Better Equipped with Cody Balch

👉 Practical Tips on Sharing Your Faith 🗣️🕺🏻💃🏻

Cody Balch

20 Practical Tips On Sharing Your Faith
1. IT STARTS WITH PRAYER: Only God can change a heart, so prayer to God is your most effective method for evangelism. 
2. IDENTIFY YOUR FEARS: Do the work as a disciple to clearly identify your fears when it comes to sharing your faith and then work to surrender them to Jesus.
3. INVITE OTHER BELIEVERS TO JOIN YOU: Just like Jesus sent His disciples out 2 by 2, we also aren’t designed to do this alone. Invite other believers to join you in prayer for the people in your life that don’t yet know Jesus.
4. ALLOW SCRIPTURE TO INFORM YOU: Staying connected to God’s word will not only help you be more prepared to share the hope that you have, but it will also encourage you through many different examples where believers shared their faith in the midst of opposition and rejection.
5. GO FISHING: We are all called to be “fishers of men”, but you don’t catch fish without intentionally going fishing. Be deliberate and live life on purpose.
6. THERE ARE NO TROPHY FISH: There are over 8 billion people on planet earth. Don’t get so fixated and stuck on the few people who want nothing to do with the Good News of Jesus.
7. STOP USING A SUNDAY SERVICE AS A CRUTCH: Don’t allow your main/only method of evangelism to be inviting people to church/worship gatherings. Go to the heart of the matter, and then church will begin to make a lot more sense to them.
8. YOUR ACTIONS DETERMINE YOUR CREDIBILITY: Your actions must back up your Good News claim. 
9. SPEAK UP: Showing the Good News of Jesus is only as powerful in the long run as your willingness to verbally share the Good News of Jesus. 
10. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?: Realize and believe that you actually have nothing to lose by sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. 
11. WE ARE NOT BETTER THAN JESUS: Jesus experienced personal if He did, than we will too. We are not better than Jesus.
12. YOU ARE LIKELY THE FIRST GOSPEL THAT PEOPLE WILL READ: Most people won’t pick up the Bible and discover Jesus on their own, which means that you are likely many people’s first exposure to the Gospel.
13. YOU ARE QUALIFIED: If you knew enough to decide to follow Jesus, then you know enough to share about Jesus with others. Be real about your story (both the good and the ugly). 
14. IT REALLY IS GOOD NEWS!: Do you genuinely believe that the Gospel is Good News? Jesus has us on a rescue mission and we are offering people love, forgiveness and eternal life. How awesome is that!? 
15. NO ONE LIKES A “KNOW-IT-ALL”: If you don’t know the answer to a question, then tell them that you don’t know, but that you’ll check into it and get back with them. They will respect your humility and honesty. 
16. GIVE PEOPLE THE CHOICE: Don’t decide for people if they’re interested in learning more about Jesus. Give people the opportunity and choice to accept or reject Jesus for themselves. 
17. SHOW THEM THAT YOU CARE: Be relational and show that you genuinely care about the people in your life. 
18. JESUS ALREADY DID THE SAVING: Your salvation does not rest on how many people you help bring to Jesus, so relax and share the Good News out of a place of joy and gratitude. 
19. ASK MORE QUESTIONS: Ask your hearer questions and listen to their thoughts. Their words and questions will give you lots of insight as to what they need or where they are stuck.
20. IT’S EASY TO SHARE ABOUT WHAT YOU LOVE: Why would you be ashamed to talk about who you are and what matters most to you in your life. 

Better Equipped with Cody Balch


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